Indonesia Scientific Society

Big Think, Do Beyond

About Us

The Indonesian Scientific Society is a non-profit organization with the main vision of advancing the world of science and education in Indonesia through 3 program areas, namely Collaboration, Competition and Development. In addition, the main mission of the ISS is to promote, recognize and support excellence in science, provide scientific advice in the form of policies, build global cooperation, education and public engagement and become an institution that demonstrates the importance of science to all people.




International Affiliation


Country Relation

Since Juli 9th, 2019

Seleksi Tim Riset dan Inovasi Indonesia (LEKTRIN)

Lektrin is the ISS flagship program that provides opportunities for young Indonesian researchers to participate in international scientific competitions / programs. In the selection process, projects from applicants will be selected comprehensively from the context and content of the research. Only projects that meet the standards will be called upon to be fostered and included in international scientific competitions / programs.

Olimpiade Kimia Indonesia (OKI) 2023

Olimpiade Matematika Indonesia (OMI) 2023

International Applied Physics Olympiad (IAPhO) 2023

What our clients say

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News Flash

Unjuk Prestasi di Ajang WISPO 2022, Tim MAN ICT Bawa Pulang Bronze Medal
World Innovative Science Fair (WISF) Sukses Digelar Tahun ini
Indonesia Scientific Society Sukses Menyelenggarakan IABO 2021
Workshop Ilmiah di MAN 14 Jakarta
Training for Research Teacher di MAN 11 Jakarta

Founder of Indonesia Scientific Society

Iwan Budiman, S.Si.,M.Pd.

Iwan Budiman, S.Si.,M.Pd.

Ketua Umum
Subagja Agustinus, S.Pd.,Gr

Subagja Agustinus, S.Pd.,Gr

Sekretaris Jendral
Doni Nurdiansyah, S.Si

Doni Nurdiansyah, S.Si

Ketua Program